Buddhism & Science

Buddhism, emptiness, science, mind, cognition, psychology, nature of reality, physics, biology, scientific method, causation, relativity, quantum mechanics. quantum entanglement

  1. Robert Thurman- Buddhist contributions to physics, biology, and psychology

2. Where Science and Buddhism Meet PART 1

2a. Where Science and Buddhism Meet PART 2

3. Buddhism & Science 1 – The History and Geography of Buddhism

3. Buddhism & Science 2 – Some Basic Buddhist Ideas The Four Noble Truths

3. Buddhism & Science 3 – Buddhist Atheism and Scientific Naturalism

3. Buddhism & Science 4 – Buddhist Anātman and the Scientific View of a Person

3. Buddhism & Science 5 – Some Aspects of Western Logic

3. Buddhism & Science 6 – The Buddhist Catuṣkoṭi 

3. Buddhism & Science 7 – Emptiness Śūnyatā 

3. Buddhism & Science 8 – Quantum Mechanics and Entanglement 




Umesh Prasad
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